2017 Watch Word for the PWB

2017 Watch Word
On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7: 37-38 NRSV

Monday, May 17, 2010

Letters from Camp

So if you attended the Spiritual Life Retreat at Laruel Ridge a few weeks ago, you will find the following letters most entertaining to say the least. If you did not attend the retreat, maybe you should in 2012 and see what all the fuss is about!

Six Darling Devoted Does
Dear Family,
You won't believe what happened at Camp Laurel Ridge.......
- Filled with the Holy Spirit
- Learned new words to "She'll be Coming Round the Mountain"
- Sang grace to a different tune
- Size of group had a variety of ages including a thirteen week old baby girl
- Learned antiphonal prayer
- Processed gratitude prayer
- Nineth generation Moravian relationships
- Shared camp stories
- Future plans of week-end.......
Peace to You,
Six Darling Devoted Does
Barbara, Kathryn, Melody, Phyllis, Roberta, and Brenda

Group #4
On Eagles Wings

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hello Mudder,
Hello Fadder,
Well we’re here at Laurel Ridge in the Higgins Lodge, Please try not to worry about us.
We heard crashing sounds all around us during the night last night. Can you believe we lived thru a hurricane? We all hid in the bathroom for safety. There were so many of us in there braless and flapping around, that several of us now have crushed ribs. Instead of going to the hospital for treatment, those with crushed ribs just put on one of Tamara Thomas’ t-shirts, which was a real strain considering how small she is. They bound us up pretty tight and we do hope the seams will hold.
We do wish it would quit raining! If only we had thought to bring an extra pair of shoes.
We played “Ring around the Widow” in the rain. It goes something like this:
Ring around the Widow
Who Stole her Pillow?
Red Bird, Blue Bird, SQUAT
Only a few of us could actually squat!
Our shoes are soaked, our feet are snow white from the moisture and we’ve not had the FOOT WASHING yet. I’ll bet we’ve lost two shoe sizes due to foot shrinkage.
We tried having a healing service. Each group appointed a Medicine Woman and she went out into the woods gathering herbs and mushrooms. Now we’re soooooo sick. Some are throwing up over the railings and the others are on the potty losing weight (you know how). They have now gone to West Jefferson to get us some Imodium. Please don’t worry, though, most of us needed to lose a pound or two.
Some of us are trying to remember when to eat, where to eat and how to get to the dining hall. Some of us are suffering from Mental Pause and by the time we find the dining hall, it’s time to go to our joint sessions.
We’re sharing the Higgins Lodge with a bunch of young adults and children from Charlotte’s Little Church. There’s not a Blue Hair in their group. They all have motorcycles and for recreation they speed up and down the drive popping wheelies on the speed bumps.
Last night Carol (you know who) turned the heat up in her room and they all woke up having hot flashes. All their pj’s and unmentionables are hanging in all the windows drying. It looks like a college “panty raid” without the boys or the security guards.
The wind has blown unmercifully and this lodge has mirrors everywhere. You’re not going to believe our hair-do when we get home. Actually some of our group looks better with the wind blown look.
Tonight we’re supposed to go to Vesper Service in our pajamas. Nobody knows it, but I secretly called the sheriff and he’ll be here just when vespers is finished to charge the Retreat Leaders for soliciting such a groce display of mature bodies. At least the rest of us will not have a jail sentence on our record.
We’ve really got to go for now but we’ll be home on Sunday if we don’t get lost on the way.
In Christian Love and Fun
On Eagle’s Wings (Nancy Jackson

Joy Sisters Wearing Rose-Colored Glasses

Dear Family,
You won't believe what happened at Camp Laurel Ridge.

We found out we can come around the mountain in unison but maintain our God-given individuality.

You'll never believe what Mary did - she got quiet!
Terry slept on top of her bedspread since she had changed rooms three times!
Pat has a single room because she has cats and dogs in her room!
Judy was the Salem's Wing alarm clock with her early morning yell!
Tamra, our petite leader was asked to stand and she said, "I am standing!"

We're going to attend a pajama fashion show tonight and we're all participating models and we expect to win. We're calling ourselves the Joy Sisters Wearing Rose-Colored Glasses.

Camp Sisterhood
(sing to tune of "Camp Granada")

Hello Friends - Hello Family
Here we are at Camp Laurel Ridge.
We're a group of "church Sisters"
of all ages- shapes and abilities.

We are smiling
We are talking
We are eating
We are walking.

Wait a minute
Let me tell you
We are listening
We are praying.

We're so thankful for this week-end.
Friends and family we are grateful for you

Betty's Boppers
Dear Family,
You won't believe what happened at Laurel Ridge last week-end, a retreat with fifty Moravian women. Our overall theme was gratitude. We found out so many things we're grateful for that we don't even think about: good food, warm beds, friends to share experiences with and many more.

Our leader had funny and touching events to share with us so we could laugh and cry together.

We found that serving others - and we all do this in many ways - is much more fulfilling than accepting service from others. Why is it easier to say "You're welcome" than to have someone else say "Thank you"?

Sharing experiences and praying in a small group was a blessing. I now have four new friends whom I know pretty well, as well as all the other forty-five women whom I'd like to get to know better.

Gratitudes of Attitudes
(letter home sung to the tune of Hello Mother, Hello Father Here I am in Camp Granada)

Hello Family, how you doing?
The fun at Laurel Ridge is really brewing!
SYLVIA told us she's no talker,
but she's really a good walker.
We went bird watching and saw a WRENN,
She will really be a true friend.
We practiced dancing with sister JO,
she can limbo very low.
Girlfriend PATTI is quite a singer,
Patsy Cline must surely be a ringer.
PEGGY's talent is in writing,
our camp group is so exciting.
JANE CARTER HANDLY she is our leader,
we are all so very glad we got to meet her.

Five Attitudes of Gratitude
Dear Family,
You won't believe what happened at Laurel Ridge. First, we came around the mountain with 50 glorious Moravian sisters who shared their memories , their joys, and their camp experiences. In exploring the services and outreach, we were amazed by the content and volume offered by the churches participating. Unselfishly, these women give in so many ways from cooking to sing to sharing to working to teaching. These ladies give it all. We were grateful for the hearts and love present. Amazing Grace!
Love, Carolyn, Sandy

Five Alive
Dear Family,
The new lodge at Laurel Ridge is great although it does have a different feel and has taken some of us awhile to adjust. It has been wonderful to see old friends and to meet new people. The fellowship is great. The food is good especially the soup in bread bowls . We had a chance to share our memories and camping experiences. Last but not least as a surprise for Emma, Kelly painted her toenails to match her pink flipflops., Judy, Donna, Margaret

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