2017 Watch Word for the PWB

2017 Watch Word
On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” John 7: 37-38 NRSV

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nov 2011 Newsletter

Provincial Women’s Board November 2011

Serving and Sharing Newsletter

From the Desk of the President:

I once heard someone say, “We don’t remember days; we remember moments.” However at today’s hectic pace we often forget to savor small pleasures while we make big plans. Have you seen the beautiful sunrises and sunsets that fall brings? As the days grow shorter with the turning of the leaves and cooler nights, we look forward to Thanksgiving and the Advent season. Enjoy these gifts large and small and thank God for them. In the next few weeks as we try to do all the things that we think need to be done, remember to stop long enough to enjoy your family and friends and share the everyday blessing s we are given.

It was wonderful to see so many of you at New Philadelphia Moravian Church for our Fall Celebration. We celebrated the 85th Birthday of the Provincial Women’s Board of the Southern Province. Our thanks to Rev. Robert Sawyer for the wonderful program he presented on our study book for 2012. We look forward to our study on the Adventures in Faith with Paul written by Edwin A. Sawyer revised by Robert Sawyer (Reprint from 1984).

Many thanks for the wonderful lunch and the beautiful decorations prepared by Circle 8 and their helpers. The meal was enjoyed by all.

As we approach Thanksgiving and the Advent Season, keep your thoughts centered in Christ and his mission for each of us. Remember to pray for the new Unity Women’s Desk and our sisters across the Unity.

Happy Thanksgiving and a Blessed Christmas to all my sisters.

Love and Joy,

Betty King, Provincial Women’s Board President

Southern Province

2837 Birchwood Drive

Winston-Salem, NC 27103


Insights from the 11th Moravian Women’s Conference

By Elizabeth Bagby Robinette

The tone of the conference was set for me by the blending of 400 plus voices singing the Moravian Blessing for our first meal on Thursday evening. What a beautiful sound! The music moved from the front to the back of the room like a wave. This wave led to other waves like the waves made when Peter got out of the boat.

I attended the Moravian Women’s Conference in June 2011. It was a wonderful experience. I met Moravian Women from all over the United States, Canada and beyond including India, Suriname, the US Virgin Islands, Antigua, St. Kitts, Tanzania and Holland.

I had this wonderful opportunity because of a scholarship that I received. Without the scholarship I would not have thought attending the conference was possible for me. Thankfully I received the scholarship and the conference was a reality. It was so enriching to be a part of the strong network of faith of Moravian Women. I felt the power of the Lord’s blessing on all of us. We were challenged in our worship to serve others in our communities and beyond.

Since returning from the conference I have decided to give back and through selling some sugar cake and crafts I will be able to do so. I sold some of these items at the Moravian Festival held in Winston-Salem at New Philadelphia Church in September 2011. I am donating the proceeds so other Moravian Women may attend the next conference in 2015.

I want to challenge you and the Women’s Fellowship groups you belong to raise money so more women will be able to attend the next Women’s Conference.

Fall Celebration

At the Fall Celebration, Reverend Bob Sawyer presented this year's Bible study book titled "Adventures in Faith with Paul". In loving tribute to Sister Jill Sawyer, Sister Angela Hine Salzwedel designed a sterling silver and fresh water gray pearl bracelet for a silent auction in memory of Jill. One of our former PWB presidents, Sister Sylvia Cardwell won the lovely piece of jewelry. All proceeds were given to the Kate B Reynolds Hospice Home. In addition, Angela crafted a variety of gray hue ribbons to support the fight against brain cancer. Money collected from the ribbons worn at the meeting was donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, an agency that was special to Sister Jill. “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” II Timothy 4:7 by Tamra Thomas, Spiritual Life Chair

The Christmas season begins at First Moravian Church’s annual Candle Tea. Find yourself back in time and experience an old-fashioned, 18th century Moravian Christmas. Watch fragrant beeswax candles being made in our Candle Hut, then move on to the New Fellowship Hall where you will find our putz (a miniature Christmas scene), candle trimming, Moravian stars, pottery, advent wreaths, chicken pies with gravy, gingerbread, apple dumplings, and other Moravian baked goods, crafts, and artisans. Our Tavern offers a relaxing moment where you will enjoy a crackling fire, lively music, Moravian coffee, lemonade and delicious Moravian sugar cake at no charge. Enjoy the beauty of a live nativity on Friday night and a traditional Moravian Brass Band as well as a variety of seasonal music. Many say our Candle Tea is the beginning of their holiday season. Please join us and make it a tradition for your family, too. This year’s Candle Tea will be held Friday, December 2 from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, December 3 from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. For more information call 336-272-2196, visit our Facebook page (First Moravian Church of Greensboro) or visit www.greensboromoravian.org.

Greetings from Konnoak Hills: Chicken pie making was the major fall event for the Women's Fellowship, with hearty support from the Men's Fellowship on Sept 29 and 30. Over 1200 chicken pies were lovingly made. The fellowship that occurs during this event is truly uplifting.

On December 2, we will invite Konnoak Elementary School to our annual Moravian Heritage and Candle Tea Event. We will have demonstrations in cookie making, candle making, star making, the Lovefeast and tinsmithing. We will also have a display of musical instruments, Advent wreaths, a German Christmas tree, the putz and Moravians today.

Our Christmas Eve Lovefeast will be at 4 and 7PM on December 24.

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy autumn and a joyous Advent season.

Bonnie Pope, Co-President, Konnoak Hills Moravian Women's Fellowship

Bethania Moravian Women's Fellowship

October has been a time of wedding receptions for the Bethania ladies. On October 8th, we catered an outdoor chicken pie supper reception for a couple who were married at a local farm. At first we had doubts, but the young lady so wanted this and we had a couple with catering experience,

that we decided to go for it. The event went well and even sold some frozen pies for guests to take home.

Our second reception was October 23rd. Our Interim Pastor Russ May and Rebecca were married on October 1st at Laurel Ridge. We had a reception for them to celebrate their marriage and to meet Rebecca.

November 6th we will have an event to honor the ladies of the church. The evening will start with a fellowship time, followed by a meal and then some entertainment. Sue Jarvis, a local storyteller will present the play “A Christmas Memory” Admission to the evening is a donation of canned food which will be given to a food pantry. Any lady needing transportation will be given a ride in a vintage automobile.

News from New Philadelphia Our fall celebration came a little early this year. New Philadelphia hosted the first Moravian Festival on September 10 with wonderful success! The Women's Fellowship made many chicken pies for the meal, hosted a craft room with many crafts that had been made by our faithful ladies and also had a candle making room and even trimmed a few hundred candles. Thank you to all who came and enjoyed the fellowship, food and fun!

In November we will prepare and fill fruit and goodie bags for our shut-ins and members over 85. The first of December we put up the Christmas trees and decorate them, we have Candle Trimming, and then we have a potluck get-together. These events are not all in one day, but over several. It is a celebration of our past year's work to enjoy once again the fellowship and fun!

Blessings to all for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Jane Shore

News from Hope Moravian Church:

The ladies of Hope Church are humming like busy little bees. Most of the women in the Estelle Jones Class are members of the Women’s Fellowship and the class is sponsoring a Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat on Saturday October 22, 2011 in our church parking lot. It will be held from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The kids will get to go on a hayride, see a fire truck, a racecar, visit a bouncy castle and have their pictures made in their costumes. Of course, lots of candy will be given away and we will have hot dogs for the children and chicken stew for the adults for a small charge.

Our Fall Bake Sale will be held in the fellowship hall from 9:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM on Saturday, November 5. Our large pies sell for $8.00 each and our small pies are $5.00 each. Our pies are delicious and each one was prepared with tender loving care. There will also be delicious cakes, pies and sugar cake for sale. We hope to see you at this event.

Sister Betty Helms will be our speaker on Women’s Sunday, November 6 at 9:00 AM. We are always delighted to have Betty at our church and the service will be a blessing to all in attendance. You are welcome at our service.

The Women’s Fellowship is sponsoring a Lovefeast at The Oaks on Monday, December 5 at 6:45 PM and at Vienna Village on Sunday, December 11 at 3:00 PM. We will have a luncheon at 12:00 noon, December 9 in our fellowship hall to honor the volunteers at Sunnyside Ministries.

Our ladies are preparing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child ~ this always brings us joy.

Blessings to all of you as each of us continue to bring glory to God in the work that we do for Him!

Love in Christ ~ Carol Smith

Pine Chapel Women’s Fellowship- November is a big month for Pine Chapel! On Sunday, November 6th we will have Holy Communion in celebration of Christ being our Chief Elder. We will be having a Lovefeast on Sunday, November 13th and our Homecoming will be on Sunday, November 20th with a potluck lunch to follow our service. We have some great cooks at Pine Chapel and the fellowship makes the food even better.

The Women’s Fellowship will have their annual “Ladies Night Out” on Monday, November 14th and we have selected the Carriage House as the location. Spouses are welcome to attend!

We will decorate our sanctuary for Christmas on Saturday, November 26th and it is so much fun. We continue preparing for the Advent Season, with our Candle Trimming scheduled for Saturday, December 10th at 9:00AM. All members and families are invited to participate in the fun and fellowship!

Our Christmas Lovefeast will be held on Saturday, December 24th @ 7:00PM. The sanctuary will be dressed in greenery and the smell of Christmas will be in the air. We love celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ! The sanctuary is almost filled to the brim, which is my prayer for every Sunday of the New Year!

In Christian Love, Debbie Callahan

Macedonia Moravian Church will have their annual bazaar on November 12, 2011, from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Breakfast biscuits and lunch will be served. We will have baked goods, chicken pies, arts and crafts, and Moravian items for sale. Also, local vendors will be selling their crafts. The church is located at 700 NC Hwy. 801 N in Advance, NC

Ardmore Moravian Church

Candle Tea and Craft/Bake Sale

Thursday, December 1, 2011

5:00 PM – 8:00 PM Free

Music – Traditions – Putz

School children groups – Free
November 30, December 1, and 2
Reservations – Call 723-3444

Come and share with us
the joy, sights, and sounds
of a traditional Moravian Christmas

Oak Grove Moravian Church is having a Chicken / Brunswick Stew with a bake sale and quilt raffle on November 19th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Eat in and take outs are available. Proceeds to benefit their building fund.

Submitted by: Louise Hester

Fairview Moravian Church
6550 Silas Creek Parkway

Saturday, November 12
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Baked Goods, Chicken Pies, Country Store,
Moravian Items, Jewelry, Candles, and
much more

Breakfast: 8:00 - 10:00 - Ham Biscuits, Coffee
Lunch: 11:00 - 1:00 PM - Hot Dogs, Pintos

Down in Georgia, First Moravian is getting ready for our annual Bazaar, held on the first Saturday in November. With the calendar rapidly moving toward that day, we are busy making two sizes of chicken pies, lots of sugar cakes, and many “usable” crafts. Soon we will all be baking up cakes, pies, brownies, and more. Are you getting hungry yet?

(Please see the flyer above for our Bazaar)

For the Bazaar Day, we set up a tent on the front walk of the church and invite people to stop by to learn more about Moravians. Being the only Moravian Church in our fine state, we are often asked “What is a Moravian?” This gives us a great opportunity to tell them! Of course we have cookie samples for them to try and usually someone is busy putting a star together, which always helps sell them.

Downstairs they can shop in Granny’s Attic, where great finds of slightly used or gently worn items can be found. Across the breezeway, we have our doors thrown open for everyone to come in and shop the Bazaar. Few leave with empty hands and if they stay for the Around the World lunch we serve, they surely do not leave with empty tummies!

It’s good to see our regular shoppers, especially when they bring a friend along. It’s a busy day, but always a lot of fun.

Once the Bazaar is over, we will focus on our second food drive of the year. We like to help out The Quinn House, who in turn, serves a lot of people in need. We are hoping to make their Thanksgiving a little better this year. Before we know it, the Sanctuary will be a hive of activity as Women’s Fellowship decorates it for Christmas. Ah the smell of the fresh fir, the balancing acts on the ladders and the setting up of the Putz. It’s a wonderful day filled with fun, finishing off with a Potluck supper and candle wrapping. Christmas is well on the way!

Then on Dec. 8th, Women’s Fellowship will have our annual Christmas Party. It’s an evening of good food, lots of laughs, and this year . . . something new from the ordinary in the works!

Best of all, each Sunday following the Worship Hour, Women’s Fellowship leads a Circle of Prayer. Everyone is invited to participate in a 15 minute prayer time focusing on the needs within our church. Prayer is our best tool, always available and always free! We are enjoying a special closeness with Christ during this time together.

That about sums up what Women’s Fellowship of First Moravian of GA is doing. We may be a small church, but we strive mightily to do our very best!

Brenda DeLauder President- 2011

Women’s Fellowship

News from the Unity Women’s Desk

Many, many thanks to all of you who came to the Open House at the new Unity Women's Desk Office in June. It was a wonderful time to meet new friends and see long-time friends. Please feel free to drop by the office anytime to see our new DVD about the Unity Women's Desk. I try to be there on Wednesdays from 10-2, but you can see the video anytime. Please check with Becky Honeycutt if it doesn't come on when you press the white button.

We are very excited about what is happening with the UWD. We are adding new information to the website (www.unitywomensdesk.org) almost daily. We've recently added the scholarship form for women and girls to apply for scholarship assistance, and we plan to add the business plan form soon. We hope to begin making grants in January of 2012.

Kernersville Moravian Women's Fellowship has pledged to give $1,000 to the Unity Women's Desk over the next four years, and they are challenging nine other Women's Fellowships in the Southern Province to do the same to match our challenge gift of $10,000. Please keep this in mind as you start your new year and make your budget. We would really like to see every Women's Fellowship support the Unity Women's Desk in some way.

As you plan your schedule of events for the coming year, please keep us in mind. We would be happy to send someone to speak to your Women's Fellowship and show our new video. Just give us a call at 725-6413 or 765-4559. Or you can email me at pfgarner@triad.rr.com.

Please keep the Unity Women's Desk in your prayers as we proceed with this new work.

Blessings, Patty Garner



Ask any woman who has the privilege of serving on the Board to name the most important things that they got from that service and I am willing to bet that among the top three would be the women they got to know while serving on the Board.

PWB has an impressive list of accomplishments, such as the care and nurture of candidates for the ministry. The Board has an emergency fund for unexpected needs; there is help with book purchases. A monetary Christmas gift and a tin of Moravian cookies are sent before exams each December. At their ordination the board presents each new pastor a portable communion set on behalf of the WOMEN OF THE SOUTHERN PROVINCE. Active ministers may request and receive money for continuing education.

The board has always been supportive of World and Homeland Missions and a much anticipated event is the Spiritual Life retreat which is held at Laurel Ridge each year. Provincial Women’s Board doesn’t make big headlines, but the quiet service that it provides is a blessing to those who benefit and those who provide.

I am proud to have been a part of these and other projects. But my greatest blessing has come from the friendship and support of the women I have met because of the Provincial Women’s Board. Some of these women are friends with whom I am in regular contact, others are merely Christmas and Birthday Card buddies, but all are Christian Sisters who have enriched my life immeasurably. Submitted upon request by Emma Gordon

Happy Birthday to the Provincial Women's Board! You have done many wonderful things and helped many! We have enjoyed hosting the Provincial Women's Fall Celebration's. We hope you have many more birthdays to come.

New Philadelphia Moravian Church

Women's Fellowship

In the spring of 1986 I was elected by Synod to a six year term on the Provincial Women’s Board/ at that time I was the fifth member from Konnoak hills Church to be a member of the Board. May election was an honor, and I was quite humbled by it. At the first meeting I attended, when I was installed, I was awed by the group of women with whom I would be serving. I was approached after the meeting by a member of the nominating committee, asking if I would be willing to have my name placed in the nomination for the office of vice president. I’d barely caught my breath when I was asked this question. I proceeded to ask,” what is the responsibility of the vice-president?” After learning that the vice-president planned all provincial meetings, as well as presiding in the president’s absence, I thought that I could handle those things with the Lord’s help

I was elected to be vice president, and I served in that capacity for three years. Then after that term, I was elected president of the Board. I was truly a privileged to serve, working with a fine group of Moravian women who became to e, lifelong friends. In 2002 I as appointed to serve a four year term on the Board, again working with good Moravian sisters.

The Provincial Women’s Board does many things for the Southern Province, and the members are always available to help with anything that the various Women’s Fellowships might need.

My hope is that this Board can continue the good work that has been ongoing for 85 years. Any woman who is asked to serve should feel it an honor as I did. God’s presence I think is always felt in everything the women do.

Sylvia Cardwell, Konnoak Hills Moravian Church

Partial Prayer List for the Unity Women’s Desk November 2011

Please pray for the thousands of women and children who will go to bed hungry this night around the world. Pray that the Unity Women’s Desk may bring relief to some of them through the generosity of Moravian men and women around the world.

Give thanks and praise for the generosity of the United Brethren’s Fund of Staten Island, New York for their gift to the Unity Women’s Desk. Pray that other foundations and organizations to which we have applied for grants may be likewise inclined to support our work.

Please be in prayer for the women of the Southern Province in Tanzania, who will have a meeting November 10 – 13 with over 300 women in attendance, according to Sr. Melania Mrema. The women of the Southern Province of Tanzania also need prayers for the finishing of their women’s training center and the start of the building of a guest house that are projects of their women’s work.

Pray for women all over Tanzania as they prepare to attend their first National Tanzania Women’s Conference scheduled for November 23-27, 2011. Over two hundred women from all of the Provinces of Tanzania and surrounding areas will gather to study Nahum 9:1a MNAWAZA NINI JUU YA BWANA? (“Why Do You Plot against the Lord?”) and social issues affecting women. May God bless them and prosper their efforts.

Pray for Sisters Donna Hurt, Charlotte Disher, and Patricia Garner who will be traveling to Tanzania to attend the All Tanzania Women’s Conference in November. On their return to the USA, they will be visiting with our sisters in The Netherlands, who have offered them gracious hospitality.

Pray for the many women who have been called by our Lord Jesus Christ to serve Him in ministry but who are being denied the opportunities to serve in His name because of discrimination against women in ministry.

As we enter the Season of Advent on November 27, may we prepare our hearts anew for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A good friend sent me this quotation. Please make a prayer from it for yourself. "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."

A Note from the Office:

Since it is almost the end of the year, some of the fellowships will be changing officers. We really want to stay in touch with all of you so please, send us an email ( pwbmcsp@gmail.com ) or a note (455 S. Church Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 ) with the new presidents name and ONE way to contact them (phone, email or mailing address). Thank you for helping to make a smooth transition.

The Spiritual Life Retreat for all women in the Southern Province will be April 13-15, 2012 at Laurel Ridge. The Rev. Judy Knopf pastor at Good Shepherd Moravian Church in Kernersville, NC is our retreat leader for the week-end. More information will be forthcoming. Mark your calendars now for this special event. Tamra Thomas, PWB Spiritual Life Chair (336-748-1339) or tamrathomas@triad.rr.com

Contact Information:

(336) 722-4911 Fax (336) 723-1029

Email: pwbmcsp@gmail.com

Office Hours:

Monday AND Thursday

8:30 A.M. till 2:30 P.M.

The next newsletter will be published on March 8, 2012. The deadline for submissions will be February 27, 2012

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